To draw more attention to your ads on social media, try using square and vertical videos! Square videos have been shown to attract more clicks and better engagement.
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all recommend using square videos to fill the screen completely while your audience views your video. This is part of the reason Facebook specifically recommends 1:1 aspect ratios (square video) for video ads on both Instagram and Facebook.
Regardless of how you are viewing your screen, you may notice that square videos take up a prominent amount of screen space. This is also true for the user's feed as well, and the videos stand out even more. Now you can create square or vertical Promo videos using our new format.ย
To start from the search results, simply click the "Preview" button on the specific clip you want to use. ย
You can then select the aspect ratio (Square, Wide, Vertical)
In this example, I selected square video and the video format has now adjusted with the text for me.
You can also select the segment of the video that we would want to use from the "Trimmer" section on the bottom. The red arrows below show where to click, and you can then simply click and drag on the video to select the part of the video to show.
After clicking on the video and dragging, I am now showing this segment of the video instead of the whole image within the video.
My video is all set to go and by clicking "Save and Preview" will save the video and generate it for me.
My square video is now ready, and I can click "Publish" to start using the content and reach my customers!
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