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Facebook Guidelines for Video Ads

This article will explain the advertising guidelines and tips on what types of ad content are permitted by Facebook.

Lana avatar
Written by Lana
Updated over a week ago

There are now over 8 billion video views on Facebook every day. People are also watching 100 million hours of video on the Facebook each day. As video consumption continues to grow, more and more businesses are turning to online video ads. 

Prior to ads appearing on Facebook, they are reviewed to make sure they meet the Advertising Policies. Most approved ads usually appear within 24 hours.

After your ad is reviewed, you will receive a notification informing you if your ad is approved.

If your ad is not approved, you can make an appeal to Facebook or submit an edited version of the same video again.

Some reasons for Ads not being approved are:

  • Grammar and Profanity

  • Misleading or False Content

  • Illegal Products or Services

  • Third Party Infringement

  • Tobacco Products

  • Directing to Non-Functional Landing Pages

  • Personal Health

Other types of restricted content for Facebook Ads include:

  • Alcohol

  • Real Money Gambling

  • Dating

  • Online Pharmacies

  • State Lotteries

Facebook also provides several recommendations for designing ads that will be high quality.

Text: 90 characters

Aspect Ratios Support: 16:9 (full landscape) and 9:16 (full portrait)

Format: Mp4 container ideally with leading mov atom, no edit list

Recommended New Feed image size: 1,280 x 720 pixels.

File Size up to 4 GB

Frames: 30 fps max

All videos that are under 30 seconds loop continuously on Facebook. Looping means videos will replay again automatically after finishing.
Videos will loop until 90 seconds continuously on Facebook.

Text Guidelines on Video Adverts:

Ads with a higher amount of text will receive less reach. It is recommended for extensive text to be written in the description field and less on the video. Research has shown that people prefer to see videos with minimal image text.

If you experience issues uploading your video ad on Facebook:

  • Ensure that you're using the latest version of your browser

  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection

  • The Aspect ratio and video format provided by Promo are supported by Facebook

For further information and details, check out the official Facebook Ad Policy Here, or contact our support team with our in-app chat messaging to help with questions.

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