Updating your email address through your Promo account takes no time at all. Just follow the steps below.ย
Step One
While logged into your Promo account, go to top right corner of the navigation bar and hover your mouse over your name. ย A drop-down bar will appear. Click "My account" button from the drop-down bar.
Step Two
Under the heading "Email", you will find a text box called, "Email". Inside that box, you will find your current email address. Click inside box to delete the current email and enter your new address. After the new email address is added, type a new password into "New Password" text box and confirm it in "Retype New Password" text box.
Then, scroll down to the big blue "Save Changes" button and click it to update your information. After you save the changes, your information will be automatically updated.
If you have any questions, just reach out to our 24/7 customer support team via email [email protected] or chat:)