We provide 100 million Premium clips from providers such as Getty Images. However, you can use an unlimited number of free (non-premium) clips, and content, on all plan types. Premium clips are also referred to as "credits"
In order to find Premium and Free clips, please, go to our Library and type in keywords in the search tab. You will see "All Media" at the top right of the search. Click on it to see the drop down menu with Premium/Free options.ย
Please take a look at the screenshot below in order to locate it:ย
Depending on which plan you subscribe to, you will be entitled to a certain amount of Premium clips per month/year.
You are not limited in how many videos you make or download - but you will only be able to use as many Premium clip credits as your plan provides. If you'd like to use more than that amount, you can always upgrade your plan and it will be done immediately. However, we no longer offer the pay-per-clip option. Please note that Pro and Business plans offer unlimited Premium clips. :)
For example, with the monthly Basic plan, you receive 10 Premium clips each month.
If you download or publish a video that uses 3 clips, out of which all 3 are Premium, you would be using 3 Premium clips and this will leave you with 7 remaining for the rest of the month until your plan renews. You can see which clips are Premium because they will have a badge saying so on the top left corner of the clip:
If you create a video that uses 2 Premium clips and 1 Free clip, only 2 Premium clips will be deducted.
If you download a video that has 5 clips, but none are Premium - it won't be counted towards your limit.
If you take a look at the screenshot above, none of the 5 clips are Premium, since they do not have Premium badge. All of them are free clips.
In case you decide to use your own uploaded footage, it also won't count.
Please note that if you duplicate a video that contains Premium clips and publish it, it will deduct the same amount of credits.
If you have any questions about reusing clips, please check the following article to learn more about our policy.
Our support team is glad to help you out with any questions.