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Choose the right background

Upload your own photo, use one of our backgrounds, or create great looking overlays with solid color and transparency

Lana avatar
Written by Lana
Updated over a week ago

Choosing the background for your last shot can have a great impact on your video.

By default Promo creates a subtle overlay color that will compliment your text and logo as part of the natural flow of the video.

Here are some other options to customize the background:

Transparent overlays 

Like we said earlier, Promo videos automatically create a transparent overlay that you can customize.

You can choose any color and adjust the level of transparency.

Solid Colors

Solid colors can be great for some ads. Choose from our color picker any color that fits your ad and brand identity.

Use a background image

Using your own image can be ideal if you are promoting a product or have brand assets you use across all media. When you upload your image, use 1280x720px image size. 

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